Installation on Localhost
Please follow the 5 steps carefully to install the system in your local server.
Step 1 - Copy Files
- Create a folder in your local server, name it "yesort" ( inside htdocs folder if you are using xampp )
- Copy and paste here the "" file which is in the downloaded file from “CodeCanyon”
- "Right click" on the Zip File
- "Extract here" the zip file
Step 2 - Create Database
- Start apache server
- Create a database in your local database, ( navigate to "localhost/phpmyadmin" if you are using xampp )
Step 3 - Add Virtual Host
- The following steps are for xampp server in windows os (operating system). If you are using any other server/os, please configure your server with the same configuration as it is here.
- Configure apache server as shown in the video below (click here)
- These are the lines you need to add in the configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "your_yesort_directory_path"
ServerName yesort.localhost
Step 4 - Add Virtual Domain
- Follow these steps to create a virtual domain:
Go To:- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
Open:- `hosts` file in an editor as an administrator.
Write the lines as it is in the screenshot.
- Restart apache server
Step 5 - Install The System
- Navigate to the link below
- http://yesort.localhost
- A page will come. Follow the steps written there
- You need to set Database Host, Database Port, Database Name, Database Username, Database Password
- Database Host - Type “localhost”
- Database Port - your_port (e.g 3306)
- Database Name - databasename
- Database Username - username (default "root")
- Password - type your password ( keep password field blank if you didn't set any password )
- Click Save the configuration
- Click on import sql or import demo sql
- Name, Email, Phone no, Password to create an Admin
- Save and that's all, use your system.
Video Tutorial
You can follow the video below to get a good overview.